Saturday, January 28, 2012

Making Order Out of Chaos

Everyday has its challenges but I have been amazed as I recognize we are not alone in this journey and that I can do hard. I am hoping that others can find some good in my journey.

We moved two years ago into a much smaller house than what we were accustomed to. WOW! Is that ever a hard thing to do. Needless to say, I do not have a place for everything and everything is not in its place. So, I have embarked on a mission of making better use of the space I do have.  Pinterest has helped me tremendously. GREAT ideas!!! I wanted share on this blog some of the results of my obsession with this wonderful site.

So one of our greatest challenges has been what to do with all of our pots and pans. I have been keeping them in a kitchen cabinet on the bottom shelf but it gets very full and hard to get them out to use. We also have a pantry closet that has wire shelving in it. I decided to move my pots and pans there. Take a look at what we did.

So here is what we did, in case you may be interested. I had started off with the idea that I was going to use a tension rod to hook the pots from but my husband suggested that we remove one of the wire shelves and cut the back half (lengthwise) off at the center wire. This would make the shelf once reattached to the wall only half as deep as the other shelves in the closet. We used bolt cutters to accomplish this. It did require us removing the shelf from the wall and then reattaching it to the wall using the shelf hardware.

We then purchased "S" shaped shower curtain hooks to slip on the front of the shelf. With the intent to use these to hook our pot handles on. We squeezed the hook part connected to the shelf shut so they would not slip off when removing pots. We did this using two pliers, one to hold the hook and the other to compress it shut. This idea was so much better than using the tension rod. It looks totally professional thanks to my amazing husband!

Most of the pots nested into one another allowing them all to fit. I just love it! It is so much easier to get the pot I need. I have yet to figure out what to do with the lids but that will be another post:)